Brains have no corners



Observatory:  residence of mine

Task at hand for neighborhood members

7pm time for my programs!

Focus directed on rectangles and squares


Task at hand for neighborhood members

Circles and cylinders with chemicals inside

Nightly dose of medicines to keep them well

Look now at the television to align


Circles and cylinders with chemicals inside

Things with four sides

Cot, gurney, bottle of pills

Television, billboards, hospital bed


~ Sylvia

Modern human


    People are so different, in reaction, in emotion, energy projected. Situationally different. Numb or actively seeking, or seeking discretionally . Indifferent or empathetic.

    What attracts souls to other souls? Subconscious connections on the energy plane? The instinct that we have not just ignored, we’ve run from. What fuels our energy needs? We’re desperately seeking enlightenment and happiness, we fill up with other people’s thoughts, opinions. Like an animal, humans need to start paying attention to the natural laws. We hold within each one of us the fulfillment that we seek. Intuition is there, quiet all voices, even your own, and listen to it. Feel instead of thinking.